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Machiavelli (2000)


Players seek to build a collection of districts worth from one to eight points. Once someone has built eight districts, the game is over after that round ends, and the player with the highest total value wins. However, to facilitate the process (and make the game interesting), players sequentially choose a character from a rapidly dwindling pool of eight each turn. The characters give players special abilities for the turn.

Citadels had a separate expansion, Citadels: The Dark City Expansion, but the new (3rd Edition) Fantasy Flight editions come with the expansion included (the Hans im Glück tin box also included it). With the newer version that includes Dark City, or the Dark City expansion purchased separately, this game can take 2 to 8 players.

second edition of the German version of the game came in a tin box and included the Dark City expansion as well as three additional cards. It is separately listed at Ohne Furcht und Adel inkl. Die dunklen Lande.

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