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Ricochet Robots (1999)

Year Published
# of Players
1 − 15
User Suggested # of Players
Best with 4–6 players
Recommended with 1–15+ players
(69 voters) [poll]
Mfg Suggested Ages
10 and up
Playing Time
30 minutes
User Suggested Ages
(20 voters) [poll]
Language Dependence
No necessary in-game text
(31 voters) [poll]
(50 voters) [vote]
Primary Name
Ricochet Robots
Alternate Names
Rasende Roboter
Ricochet Robot
Száguldó Robotok

Ricochet Robots is less of a game and more of a puzzle, which explains why there's such an odd number of solutions possible. There's a four-piece modular board that forms a large room with walls spread around the board. There are also color-coded targets on boards. Placed on top of the surface are four robots. The idea for each turn/puzzle is to get the like-colored robot to a randomly selected target. The trick is that once a robot starts moving, it will continue to move until a wall or another robot stops it. Therefore, players are seeking a sequence of moves for the robots that will enable them to move the required robot to the target in the fewest moves.

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