Copyright 2025 - Contact: Dimitri Van Damme: 0496 32 30 31 JB Davidstraat 4 - Lokeren

Onze spellenkast

Kat & Muis (1985)

Be the first to have five of your pieces showing.

The player who is the mouse starts first. You may move your own pieces or your opponent's. You can start a stack or place a piece on top of another. Pieces can only go 3 high. You can move pieces that are already in play, but not the piece that you opponent just moved.

The winner is the first to have 5 cats or mice showing.

As an alternative to playing a single game. Players may choose to play multiple games with a scoring system of 25 points for a win and 5 points for each piece not put in play at the time that the game is won.

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